Thursday, 21 March 2019

Armagh Ancestry Genealogy Conference, 17-19 May

Armagh Ancestry, the Irish Family History Foundation's dedicated member for County Armagh, is to hold a weekend genealogy conference in May. Its theme is 'Emigration – voluntary or forced.'

Subject topics and speakers include the following:

  • Emigration records - a case study from the port of Derry, with Brian Mitchell MAGI
  • National Archives of Ireland sources for researching a convict ancestor, with Tom Quinlan
  • Armagh/Irish family history resources, with Feargal O'Donnell
  • Researching 18th-century ancestors in Ulster, with Dr William Roulston
  • Church, civil and census records, with Feargal O'Donnell
  • Genealogy sources in Armagh County Museum and Banbridge Genealogy, with Sean Bardon and Jason Diamond
  • Using the database, with Dr Brendan Scott
  • The 1922 fire at the Four Courts, what was lost and what survived, with Feargal O'Donnell
  • History from headstones, including optional local graveyard tour
The conference will be held at the Navan Centre and Fort, 81 Killylea Road, Armagh BT60 4LD. It will open on the Friday evening (17 May) with a Mayoral Welcome and reception.

A limited amount of free individual consultations are available on the Saturday and Sunday for those attending. They must be booked in advance.

The cost of the Conference is £20 per day or £30 GBP for Saturday and Sunday (Friday is free). The admission fee includes tea/coffee during breaks. A special £5 lunch menu is available each day and must be pre-booked.

See more information and booking here.