Monday, 4 March 2019

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 4-17 March

Monday 4 March: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed all day to facilitate the Library's continuing redevelopment of the premises. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. All other services/exhibitons/cafe, including Genealogy Advisory Service, will operate as normal.

Monday 4 March: The people would take tents, with Ronnie Kilgore. Host: NIFHS, Foyle Branch. Venue: Lecture Room, Central Library, 35 Foyle St, Londonderry, BT48 6AL. 7pm. All welcome. Free.

Monday 4 March: The Weaver Poets, with Laura Spence. Host: NIFHS, Killyleagh Branch. Venue: Killyleagh Masonic Hall, 50 High St, Killyleagh, Downpatrick BT30 9QF. Free. 8pm. All welcome.

Monday 4 March: The heart of Inchicore: The Railway Works, with Mary Muldowney. Host and venue: Richmond Barracks, Inchicore, Dublin 8. Free. 11am. Reserve your place.

Monday 4 March: The early medieval sculptural heritage of Northern Ireland, with Megan Henvey. Host: Royal Society of Antiquities of Ireland, Venue: Helen Roe Theatre, Society House, 63 Merrion Square, Dublin 2. 7:30pm. Free. All welcome.

Tuesday 5 March to Saturday 16 March: Galway History Festival. Numerous events, most of them free. Hosts: NUI Galway, Galway CC, Creative Ireland. Various venues in Galway City. Download programme

Wednesday 6 March: Towards a further understanding of the violence experienced by women in the Irish Revolution, with Professor Linda Connolly. Part of the Social History and the Irish Revolution public lecture series. Hosts: Glasnevin Museum and Trinity College Dublin's School of History & Humanities. Venue: Milestone Gallery, Glasnevin Cemetery Museum, Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. 7pm to 8:30pm. Tickets should be booked in advance. €6.

Wednesday 6 March: Saving Lives at Sea: The story of Ulster's Lifeboats, with Robert Corbert. Part of PRONI's Wreck and Rescue lecture series. Host and venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 1pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book. Details.

Wednesday 6 March: Irish family history, with Dr Irene O'Brien. Venue: Govanhill Neighbourhood Centre, 6 Daisy Street, G42 8JL Glasgow, Scotland. Free. 7pm to 9pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 6 March: The lost village of Milltown, with Patrick Salmon. Host: Rathmichael Historical Society. Venue: Rathmichael NS, Stonebridge Road, Shankill, Dublin 18. 8pm. All welcome. €3.

Thursday 7 March: No Reading Room access until 2pm at the National Archives of Ireland. Doors to the public will open 2–5pm only. NAI, Bishop Street, Dublin 8.

Friday 8 March: Online family and local history resources, a workshop. Host and venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. two-hour workshop will start with an orientation tour of PRONI, followed by an introduction to searching online resources 11am. Free. Need to book.

Saturday 9 March: The history and heritage of St James’s Hospital in Dublin, with Prof Davis Coakley (2:15pm) and The Irish Revenue Police, with Jim Herlihy (3:15pm). AGM from 10am, members only. Host: Irish Family History Society. Venue: Dublin City Library and Archives, Pearse Street, Dublin 2. Free. All welcome to attend the afternoon session.

Saturday 9 March: Using DNA to trace your Irish ancestors, with Martin McDowell. Host: Fermanagh Genealogy Centre. Venue: Main Hall, Enniskillen Library, Halls Lane, Enniskillen, Co Fermanagh. 1:30pm to 3:30pm. All welcome. Members free. Non-members £5.

Saturday 9 March: The Scots-Irish in New England, a genealogy workshop with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host and venue: New Hampshire Historical Society, 30 Park St, Concord, New Hampshire, USA. 9:00am-4:30pm. Details and registration. $75 Members of New Hampshire Historical Society / $125 for non-members.

Saturday 9 March: National Irish Studies Conference 2019. Host: The Manchester Irish Education Group (MIEG). Venue: Irish World Heritage Centre, 1 Irish Town Way, Cheetham, Manchester, UK. A full day of lectures and workshops, plus bookstall, exhibition and raffle. 9am to 4:30pm. Tickets £25 prepaid / £30 on the door. Includes lunch and refreshments. Details.

Saturday 9 March: Irish Immigrants in Troy, with Chris Connell and Donna Vaughn. Host: Troy Irish Genealogy Society. Venue: Troy Public Library, 100 2nd St, Troy, New York, USA. 2pm–5pm. Need to register.

Sunday 10 March: Researching Your Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestors, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host: The Genealogical Society of Pennsylvania. Venue: Brookside Manor, 50 Bustleton Pike, Trevose-Feasterville, Pennsylvania, USA. 8:30am-4:30pm. Cost: $104. Details and registration.

Monday 11 March: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed all day to facilitate the Library's continuing redevelopment of the premises. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. All other services/exhibitons/cafe, including Genealogy Advisory Service, will be closed until 11am to facilitate a staff meeting.

Monday 11 March: Presbyterian Historical Society records, with Valerie Adams. Host: NIFHS, Newtownabbey branch. Venue: Drama Theatre, Glengormley High School, 134 Ballyclare Road, Newtownabbey, BT36 5HP. Free. 7pm. All welcome.

Monday 11 March: Researching Your Irish and Scots-Irish Ancestors, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host: Irish American Heritage Center. Venue: 4626 N. Knox Ave, Chicago, Ilinois, USA. Cost: Free to attend for everyone, but you need to register. 9am to 5pm.

Tuesday 12 March: Revolutionary diplomats: the archives and material culture of the Dáil Eireann foreign service, 1919-23, with Dr John Gibney. Host and venue: National Archives of Ireland, Reading Room, Bishop Street, Dublin 8. No booking required. Free. 6pm. All welcome.

Tuesday 12 March: Irish genealogy, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host: Wisconsin Historical Society. Venue: Memorial Library Room 126, 728 State Street, Madison, Wisconsin, USA. Cost: $36 WHS/WSGS members / $40 non-members; Lunch included. 9:00am-5:00pm. Programme, menu, tickets.

Tuesday 12 March: Irish family history, with Lisa Dougherty. Host and venue: Irish American Heritage Museum, 370 Broadway, Albany, New York 12207, USA. Free. 6:30pm–7:30pm. No need to register.

Tueday 12 March: Killarney: the Royal visit of 1861 that put Killarney on the tourist map, with Frank Tracy. Host: Genealogical Society of Ireland. Venue: Dun Laoghaire Further Education Institute, Cumberland Street, Dun Laoghaire. 8pm. All welcome. €3.

Tuesday 12 March: A house through time, with Louise Lewis. Host: NIFHS, Lisburn branch. Bridge Community Centre, 50 Railway Street, Lisburn, BT 28 1XP. Free. 7:30pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 13 March: Is everything we loved gone forever?: The burning of Irish country houses during the War of Independence, 1920-21, with Professor Terence A Dooley. Part of the Social History and the Irish Revolution public lecture series. Hosts: Glasnevin Museum and Trinity College Dublin's School of History & Humanities. Venue: Milestone Gallery, Glasnevin Cemetery Museum, Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. 7pm to 8:30pm. Tickets should be booked in advance. €6.

Wednesday 13 March: Nineteenth-Century Coastguards in Ireland, with Denis Mayne. Part of PRONI's Wreck and Rescue lecture series. Host and venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 1pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book. Details.

Wednesday 13 March: Researching your Irish ancestors, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host and venue: Brown County Library, 515 Pine Street, Green Bay, Wisconsin, USA. 9am–3:30pm. Free. Details.

Thursday 14 March: The homecoming of ex-servicemen to Ireland, with Dr Emmanuel Destenay. Host: Western Front Association, Antrim and Down Branch. Venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 2 Titanic Boulevard, Belfast, BT3 9HQ. 6:30pm to 8:45pm. All welcome.

Thursday 14 March: Irish family history resources on the Internet, with Peter Christian FSG. Host and venue: Society of Genealogists, 14 Charterhouse Buildings, Goswell Rd, London EC1, UK. 2–3pm. Fully booked.

Thursday 14 March: Irish family history resources online, with Chris Paton. Host: Lanarkshire Family History Society. Venue: GLO Centre, 78 Muir Street, Motherwell, Scotland. 7pm. All welcome.

Thursday and Friday 14–15 March: 'An Irish Gatherin': Researching Irish and Scots-Irish Roots, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host: Heritage Consulting LLC. Venue: The Salt Lake Plaza, 122 West South Temple, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. $20 per day. Format and bookings.

Saturday 16 March: Irish Research seminar, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host: Wales Ireland Scotland England Family History Society. Venue: Denver Public Library, 10 W. Fourteenth Ave, Denver, Colorado, USA. 9am–4:30pm. Details.

Saturday 16 March: Book launch – Shannonbridge – A History of Raghra c1600 to c1900, by Brendan Ryan and Laura Price. Venue: Shannonbridge Community Hall, Shannonbridge, Co. Offaly. 8pm. Book costs €25 but will be €20 on launch night. All welcome. No need to register.

Sunday 17 March: St Patrick's Day. Everywhere.