Monday, 2 July 2018

June update to Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives
The O'Shea family headstone in
Ballybacon RC, Ardfinnan, Co. Tipperary.
Photo courtesy of Breda Nolan and IGPA.
It seems the volunteer team of Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives (IGP-web) has been using June's warm weather as the perfect excuse for trips to burial grounds to photograph and transcribe headstones!

If you want to help further expand IGP Archives' Headstone Project, why not sign up as a volunteer, don your sunhat and head off for a visit to a local historical graveyard.

Here are the photos and transcriptions uploaded to the IGP website during June:

CARLOW Genealogy Archives - Headstones
St. Laserian Graveyard, Old Leighlin (partial)
Loughduff (R.C.) Cemetery (partial)

CAVAN Genealogy Archives - Headstones
St. Brigid's Church - Old Graveyard, Kiloughter, Redhills

Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Mt. Jerome Cemetery, Parts 199-200

FERMANAGH Genealogy Archives - Church Records
Aghadrumsee; Baptisms, Clones Parish, 1825-1836 (updated)

LAOIS Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Killeshin (CoI) Graveyard, Graigue
Killeen, St. Abban (RC) Graveyard

MAYO Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Islandeady - (Old Section), Part 3
Kilkinure Graveyard, Kiltimagh

MEATH Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Navan, Athlumney Old Graveyard, A-L, (Indexed)

MONAGHAN & FERMANAGH Genealogy Archives - Church Records
Clones Parish Registers, W. Div., Baptisms 1812-1815
Clones Parish Registers, E. Div., Burials 1822-1824

TIPPERARY Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Ballybacon R.C. Church Graveyard, Ardfinnan (partial)

TYRONE Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Dromore Presbyterian Church Graveyard

WESTMEATH Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Coole, St. Nicholas (CoI) Graveyard, Mayne Parish (Indexed)

WICKLOW Genealogy Archives - Headstones
Kilquade Cemetery (New) Pt. 4