Friday, 20 July 2018

Irish Times Archive + full online news access: 50% off
There's also 50% off the Premium option
Ireland's 'newspaper of record', The Irish Times has a special offer for overseas readers. It gives 50% off the price of either the Standard or Premium digital subscription package for a period of three months. Thereafter, you can either cancel the subscription or pay the regular price.

Both packages provide full access to the website (non-subscribers get access to only a handful of articles a week), to subscriber-only articles, special offers and the paper's Crossword Club. The Premium subscription additionally brings you The ePaper, a digital copy of the print edition.

Importantly for Irish family historians, both these packages give full access to the Irish Times Archive, which includes all editions published since the paper first appeared in 1859.

The regular price of the Standard package is £10, €12, US$12. The discount reduces the cost to £5, €6, US$6.

The regular price of the Premium package is £12, €16, US$18. With the discount, the cost is £6, €8, US$9.

To find out more about the discount and the content of both packages, click the image.

You'll find the full terms and conditions here.