Monday, 30 April 2018

The Scots-Irish in North America: 12 histories join FindMyPast

FindMyPast has uploaded twelve histories of the Scots-Irish in North America.

They are scanned publications in pdf format, so be sure to check out the 'Search Tips' on the collection's home page, as searching them is not as straightforward as searching a regular dataset.

You can search by publication name, by country (either Canada or United States), and by keyword (name, place, etc).

The titles are:

The Scotch-Irish in America, 1915, by Henry Jones Ford

The Scotch-Irish in Canada, by Rev. Stuart Acheson

The Scotch-Irish in East Tennessee, by Judge Oliver P Temple.

The Scotch-Irish in South-Western Pennsylvania, by S T Wiley.

The Scotch-Irish of California, by Terence Masterson

The Scotch-Irish of Kentucky, by Judge William Lindsay

Officers and Members of the Scotch-Irish Society of America, 1891, published by the Society

Patriotism of the Scotch-Irish, by Professor George MacLoskie

The Scotch-Irish of the Bench and Bar, by A E Stevenson

The Scotch-Irish Race Among the Nations, by Rev. Thomas Murphy

The Scotch-Irish People, Their Influence in the Formation of the Government of the United States, by J H Bryson

The Scotch-Irish in the General Synod of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America, by David Steele