Wednesday, 18 April 2018

Ancestry adds New Zealand WW1 Personnel Records

Ancestry has added a collection of more than 380,000 Service Records (1914-1920) for men who served in the New Zealand Defence Forces during World War 1. It holds 3,900 records of men born in Ireland.

Some of the Personnel Files are extensive and contain superb family history information with parents names and birthplaces, occupation, level of education, current address, physical descriptions, marital status (plus name/address of wife) and dependents and brief details of any prior military service. The military service papers are also highly informative with details of transfers, promotions, punishments, medals and honours received, and health status and medical history. Some also hold details of conduct investigations, post-discharge information, or other correspondence.

The indexing of birth-placenames is pretty poor ('Millshut, Cork', 'Wooden Bridge, County Auckland', 'Farmragh, Ireland') and the standard recording of the soldier's mother with married name only is rather frustrating, but there are certainly some great gems to be found in this collection, sourced from Archives New Zealand Te Rua Mahara o te Kāwanatanga.

Search the New Zealand, World War I Service Records, 1914-1920.