Thursday, 26 April 2018

IGRS Open Day & AGM, London, Saturday 5 May

The Irish Genealogical Research Society (IGRS) will be holding its 2018 Open Day and AGM on Saturday 5 May at the Abbey Conference Centre, 34 Great Smith St, London SW1P 3BU (a stone's throw from Westminster City Archives).

The Open Day will follow its successful formula of presenting two talks in the morning followed by a light lunch and then the AGM. The programme is as follows:
10:15Registration, tea/coffee and biscuits
10:45The Irish National Folklore Collection Online – an Untapped Resource for Genealogy, with Jill Williams FIGRS
11:45The Registry of Deeds and the Progress of the Online Indexing Project, with Rosalind McCutcheon FIGRS, IGRS Vice-President
13:00Lunch - a finger buffet with wine and soft drinks

There's a fee for attending the Open Day – £25 for members / £30 for non-members, which includes refreshments, lectures + lunch. The AGM is free, and while anyone can attend the AGM, only members can vote.

For further details, including travel directions and booking, see

(The IGRS Ireland Branch Open Day will be held in Dublin on Saturday 19 May. Details to follow in later blogpost.)