Monday, 30 April 2018

4-volume Cambridge History of Ireland published

The Cambridge History of Ireland, a four-volume series documenting the story of Ireland from 600AD to the present, has been published today.

It is based on the most recent and innovative scholarship and research, and the many contributions from experts in their field offer detailed and fresh perspectives on key areas of Irish social, economic, religious, political, military, linguistic, demographic and cultural history.

More than 100 historians from across the world contributed to the series, including 39 academics who received funding for their work from the Irish Research Council. As well as those based in Ireland, contributors come from institutions in China, the USA, the UK, Australian, New Zealand and Israel.

The four volumes are as follows:

The Cambridge History of Ireland.
Volume 1: 600-1550. Edited by Brendan Smith

The Cambridge History of Ireland.
Volume 2: 1550–1730. Edited by Jane Ohlmeyer

The Cambridge History of Ireland. Volume 3: 1730–1880. Edited by James Kelly

The Cambridge History of Ireland. Volume 4: 1880 to the Present. Edited by Thomas Bartlett

With a total of 3,300 pages, the series has been published by Cambridge University Press. Each volume costs around £100, with a 4-set volume costing £350. Discounts are available.

This landmark survey of Ireland's history will be officially launched this evening by President Michael D Higgins at Dublin Castle. The London launch will be on 10 May, and the Belfast launch on 14 May.