Saturday, 21 April 2018

Ancestry's DNA DAY Sale offers at least 25% saving

Since launching in 2012, Ancestry DNA's database has grown to hold almost 10million DNA customers, easily the world's largest. As such, it statistically offers the greatest chance of matching with the descendants of your extended family.

The company's DNA DAY sale offers at least 25% off the regular price of its DNA test kit, which varies according to the area of residence of the person taking the test. (There may well be additional offers via and, and other countries but I haven't been able to find them due to Ancestry's bloody-minded geo-locator.)

The prices below do not include shipping, which is extra.

Click the flag button to view your local sale offer. price €99. Sale price €71, a saving of €18.
Offer ends at 23:59 GMT on Thursday 26 April. price £79. Sale price £59, a saving of £20.
Offer ends at 23:59 GMT on Thursday 26 April.

Sale price US$59, the lowest price of the year.
Offer ends Thursday 29 April.