Saturday 21 April 2018

DNA DAY 2018: Offers from Family Tree DNA
Family Tree DNA is celebrating DNA DAY 2018 with up to 40% off its top-selling DNA tests. All the offers will expire on Saturday 28 April.

The headline sale offer is on its Family Finder test, an autosomal test that can be taken by both men and women and explores your lineage and maps your ethnic and geographic backgroud. This is on offer for only US$49, a saving of US$30, which is possibly the lowest price I've seen for this product.

There are also offers on my other types of test, including an mtFull Sequence test, which examines all regions of mtDNA, identifying your maternal haplogroup and migration path. The standard price for this test is US$199; it is on offer for only US$149.

Another offer is available on the Y-37 test, which can be taken only by men. It explores your paternal lineage and follows the ancient migration path of your male ancestors. The standard price of this test is US$169; it is on offer for only US$139.

See the full range of offers.