Monday, 23 April 2018

Irish genealogy and history events, 23 April-6 May

Until 4 May: Irish Traveller Family Trees, an exhibition developed by Tony Hennessy MAGI and the Waterford Traveller Community Development Project. Eight large family trees are on display. Venue: Dungarvan Civic Offices, Davitt's Quay, Dungarvan, Co Waterford. Monday to Friday, 9:30am-4pm Free. All welcome.

Monday 23 April: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare St, Dublin 2. On-going Monday closures to facilitate extensive redevelopment of the premises. All other services/exhibitons/cafe, incl. Genealogy Advisory Service, operating as normal.

Tuesday 24 April: The Bancroft Library’s Irish American holdings, with Theresa Salazar, curator, Bancroft Library, University of California. Host: NUI Galway. Venue: Room G010 Hardiman Research Building, NUI Galway, University Road, Galway. 4pm to 4:45, followed by an informal reception. Details.

Tuesday 24 April: The 1798 Rebellion, John Lyttle. And AGM. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Belfast Branch. Venue: C. S. Lewis Room, Holywood Arches Library, 4-12 Holywood Road, Belfast, BT4 1NT. 7:30pm. Free. All welcome.

Tuesday 24 April: The Casement family, with Patrick Casement. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Causeway Coast and Glens Branch. Venue: Guide Hall, Terrace Row, Coleraine, Co LondonDerry. 8pm. Free. All welcome.

Tuesday 24 April: Seeking 'the security of greener pastures': Irish Republicans in America during the Interwar Years, with Dr Gavin Wilk. Host: Kilrush and District Historical Society. Venue: Teach Ceoil, Grace Street, Kilrush, Co Clare. 8pm. All welcome. Members free, non-members €5.

Wednesday 25 April: RAF 100 – Early Operations in Ireland, a one-day conference to mark the centenary of the RAF in Northern Ireland. Host: Imperial War Museum. Venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 10am to 3:30pm. Free, but you need to register. Details.

Wednesday 25 April: National Library of Ireland's Genealogy Advisory Service (9:30am-5pm) will operate on a self-service basis 2pm–5pm for staff training. Mezzanine Floor, NLI, Kildare St, Dublin 2.

Thursday 26 April: The Role of Women in the Irish Revolution 1916-1923, with Liz Gillis. Host: Mount Merrion Historical Society. Venue: Mount Merrion Community Centre, North Avenue, Mt Merrion, Stillorgan, Co Dublin. 8pm. All welcome. Non-members €4.

Thursday 26 April: Practical Workshop – Using family and local history resources online. Host and venue: PRONI, 2 Titanic Boulevard, Titanic Quarter, Belfast. 11am to 1pm. Free but you need to register.

Sunday 29 April Free genealogy help session. Host and venue: Library of the Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N Knox Avenue, Chicago, IL 60630, USA. From 1pm to 4pm. Free. All welcome.

Monday 30 April: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare St, Dublin 2. On-going Monday closures to facilitate extensive redevelopment of the premises. All other services/exhibitons/cafe, incl. Genealogy Advisory Service, operating as normal.

Wednesday 2 May: Disease and Hunger in Dublin in 1918, with Maeve Casserly and Ida Milne. Part of the Dublin in 1918 series. Venue: Coolock Library, Barryscourt Rd, Kilmore, Dublin 17.  6:30pm. Hosts: Near fm 90.3, Dublin Historians and Dublin City Public Libraries. Free.

Thursday 3 May: Gen. Eoin O'Duffy - from heroics to bathos, with Maurice Manning. Host: Mount Merrion Historical Society. Venue: Community Centre, North Avenue, Mount Merrion, Stillorgan, Co Dublin. 8pm. All welcome. Members free. Non-members €4

Saturday 5 May: Irish records. Host: Aberdeen and NES Family History Society, Moray/Banff group. Venue: Activities Room, Elgin Library, Cooper Park, Elgin, Scotland UK, IV30 1HS. 2–4. Free. All welcome.

Saturday 5 May:
Irish Genealogical Research Society's Open Day and AGM. Includes two morning lectures, a light lunch followed by the AGM (all can attend but only IGRS members can vote). Two lectures – The Irish National Folklore Collection Online – an Untapped Resource for Genealogy, with Jill Williams, FIGRS, and The Registry of Deeds and the Progress in the Online Registry of Deeds Project, with Rosalind McCutcheon, Vice-President, FIGRS. Venue: Abbey Conference Centre, 34 Great Smith Street, London SW1, UK. Details.