Friday, 24 November 2017

Save 40% on new Fold3 annual Premium subscription

Fold3, Ancestry's specialist military database, has a Black Friday / Cyber Monday special offer for new Fold3 subscribers taking out an annual Premium membership package.

The 40% discount reduces the price from US$79.95 to US$47.95.

Fold 3's collections are not exclusively US-based. Not by any means. Here's a list of just some of the record sets in the database.

  • Revolutionary War Service & Pension Records
  • Civil War Widows Pensions
  • orld War II Draft Cards
  • Australia WWI & WII Service Records
  • British Army WWI Service Records
  • UK Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioner Soldier Service Records
  • UK Royal Hospital Chelsea Pensioner Admission and Discharge Records

It isn't only military, either. It also holds Naturalisation records, City Directories, 1860 and 1930 US Censuses, Newspapers and much more.