Thursday, 9 November 2017 launches Oral History Project
The restyled website
From a freshly redesigned website (see right), has launched a new project which aims to collect first hand testimonies of men and women who have worked for Ireland's Defence Forces.

The Military Archives Oral History Project was established in 2015 with the aim of digitally recording memory, oral history and tradition associated with the Defence Forces since its inception. Over the last two years, more than 120 interviews and 164 hours of testimony have been gathered and some of these are now available on the website to illustrate the type of material the project will hold.

So far, 16 interviews have been recorded and digitised, and samples have been extracted and filed according to their content under three subject headings:
  • Joining the Defence Forces
  • The Emergency (WW2)
  • Overseas.
Some 38 interviews, most of them between one-and-a-half and four minutes long, are available.

For more information, see the introductory video below or click the link above.