Wednesday 27 August 2014

The 1641 Depositions: seminar and book launches

More details of the three new editions
PRONI and the Irish Manuscripts Commission are to host a seminar from leading academics regarding written records from a pivotal period of Irish history: the 1641 Depositions.

These witness testimonies from the 1641 Irish rebellion capture with vivid immediacy the contrasting experiences of rebellion throughout the northern counties.

The seminar talks are:

Launching the print edition of the 1641 Depositions, with Professor Raymond Gillespie
The context for the 1641 depositions, with Aidan Clarke
The 1641 depositions in a wider context, with Jane Ohlmeyer

A launch of the recently published editions of these documents – they cover the nine counties of Ulster, plus Louth – will follow the seminar.

The seminar will be held at the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI), Titanic Boulevard, Belfast on Tuesday 9 September from 1pm to 2pm. The event is free but booking is essential. Email or telephone 02890 534800 to reserve your place.