Monday, 11 August 2014

Irish genealogy and history events, 11 – 23 August

Monday 11 August: Researching the history of Irish surnames and clan-names, with Paul McCotter MAPGI. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No booking. 1pm.

Monday 11 August: How to research your Erris ancestor, a workshop. Venue: Gaol Siar, Main Street, Belmullet, Co Mayo. (Above Carey's) €35. 11am to 2pm. Need to book. Tel: Barbara on 087 216 9625 or email

Tuesday 12 August: Women in 11th-century Dublin, with Christina Lee. Part of the Living and Dying in a medieval city – Dublin in the Age of Clontarf lunchtime lecture series. Host: Friends of Medieval Dublin. Venue: Wood Quay Venue, Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Time: 1:05pm to 1:45pm. Free.

Tuesday 12 August: The exile of Erin, researching the poor Irish in Victorian London, with Else Churchill. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No need to book. 1pm. 

Tuesday 12 August: OpenStreetMap – community and historical mapping for all, with Brian Hollinshead. Host: Genealogical Society of Ireland. Venue: DFEi, Cumberland St, Dun Laoghaire. 8pm. €3.

Tuesday 12 August: CAIN – 1983 and 1984 records; talk and demonstration at PRONI, Belfast. Graham Jackson, PRONI Archivist, will talk about the official archives and the annual release process and Dr Brendan Lynn, CAIN, will talk about the work of CAIN and highlight some of the recently released material. For more information about this event, please click here. 1pm. Email or call (028 90 534800) to reserve your place, admission is FREE.

Wednesday 13 August:Limerick Quakers: History, Business, Religion, 1655-1900, with Hiram Wood. Host: Kilkee Civic Trust Summer Talks 2014. Venue: Kilkee Bay Hotel, Co Clare, at 8 pm. Admission free.

Wednesday 13 August: Under-used Irish records in the National Archives in England, with Audrey Collins. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No booking. 1pm.

Wednesday 13 August: East Belfast & The Great War, launch of community-focused project with guest speaker, Professor Richard Grayson. Venue: The Great Hall, Parliament Buildings, Stormont, Belfast. Places are limited so you need to book, by email to or telephone 07966 931 410, by Friday 8 August.

Wednesday 13 August to Saturday 16 August: A commemoration of local war heroes, exhibition. Host: Donaghadee Historical Society. Venue: 1st Presbyterian Church Hall, High Street, Donaghadee, Co Down. 11:30am to 7:30pm.  North Down & Ards Family History Society will also be offering genealogy advice.

Thursday 14 August: Genealogy and sporting records – from sporting Laurels to Family Trees, with Hilary McDonagh. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No need to book. 1pm.

Friday 15 August: Living Legacies. Bring along your old Donaghadee photos, documents and WW1 memorabilia to the Donaghadee Historical Society's exhibition. The Living Legacies team from Queens University Belfast will copy and photograph items. Donaghadee, Co Down.

Friday 15 August: Did you come from Dublin, dear? Understanding Dublin city through maps, with Jacinta Prunty. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No need to book. 1pm.

Saturday 16 August: Free Glasnevin Cemetery Tour and Patrick Pearse Re-enactment at the graveside of Jeremiah O'Donovan. Dublin 11. Places are limited and booking is essential. (0)1 882 6550 or email Details.

Saturday 16 August: Finding your Irish ancestors. A workshop at State Library of New South Wales, Flinders Room, Lower Ground Floor, Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia (Tel: (02) 9273 1414). 2pm to 3:30pm. Part of National Family History Month series. Free, but booking essential as places limited to 20.

Saturday 16 August: Sending Out Galway's Workhouse Paupers; the story of 53 girls from Mountbellow Union Workhouse, Co Galway, who were sent to Canada, with Dr Gerard Moran. Venue: Galway City Museum, Spanish Parade, Galway. 2–3pm. Free. Limited space so booking required. Tel: +353 (0)91 532460.

Sunday 17 August: “Don’t let me lie in this dreadful place”: The Death and Life of Roger Casement, with Séamas Ó Síocháin Ph.D. Venue: Glasnevin Museum, Finglas Road, Dublin 11. €10 per person, booking advised. For more details or to book please contact the Museum (0)1 882 6550 or email The lecture will be preceded by a short commemoration starting at 2.30pm.

Monday 18 August: Using to trace your family History, with Rhona Murray. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No need to book. 1pm.

Monday 18 August: Controlling the Carlow corridor during the Middle Ages, with Linda Doran. Host: Rathmichael Historical Society. Venue: Rathmichael NS, Shankill, Dublin. €4. 8:00pm.

Monday 18 August: Excavations at Trim Castle, with Alan Hayden. Host: Rathmichael Historical Society. Venue: Rathmichael NS, Shankill, Dublin. €4. 8:00pm.

Tuesday 19 August: Reading Headstones primary sources carved in stone, with John Tierney. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No need to book. 1pm.

Wednesday 20 August: Using the College Archives for family history research, with Ellen O'Flaherty. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No need to book. 1pm.

Thursday 21 August to 6 September: Wicklow's War: the First World War in County Wicklow. A free public exhibition" will be on display in Greystones Library, Mill Road, Greystones, Co Wicklow. The National Library of Ireland's exhibition "Gallant Sons", concerning Irish men who fought in WW1 will also be on show. Opening hours.

Thursday 21 August: Digitising Irish newspapers: how we bring Ireland’s past stories back to life, with Ian Tester. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No need to book. 1pm.

Thursday 21 August: New book. The Irish Land Agent, by Ciarán Reilly, will be launched by Professor Terence Dooley of the Centre for the Study of Historic Irish Houses and Estates. Host: Four Courts Press. Venue: Offaly History Centre, Bury Quay, Tullamore, Co. Offaly. 8pm.

Thursday 21 August: How to research your Erris ancestor, a workshop. Venue: Gaol Siar, Main Street, Belmullet, Co Mayo. (Above Carey's.) €35. 11am to 2pm. Need to book. Tel: Barbara on 087 216 9625 or email

Friday 22 August: Irish in European armies, with Lar Joye. Part of the Eneclann/Ancestor Network 20x20 lunchtime series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. 20-min lecture plus Q&As. Free. No need to book. 1pm.

Friday 22 to Saturday 23 August: The Genealogy Event, Strand Hotel, Limerick. Two-day conference and Irish genealogy get-together. Details and tickets.

Saturday 23 August: St Paul's Graveyard Trail, with Brian White. Host: Bray Cualann Historical Society. Venue: St Paul's Church, Main Street, Bray, Co Wicklow. 3pm.

Saturday 23 August: North of Ireland Family History Society Open Day. Venue: Unit C4, Valley Business Centre, 67 Church Road, Newtownabbey. Co Antrim. Find out more about their fabulous resource centre and meet a friendly, knowledgeable bunch of people. From 10.30am to 4.30pm. See NIFHS website for more details.