Tuesday, 18 February 2014

Irish Roots magazine Spring issue is published

The Spring issue of Irish Roots has been published and is now available in bookshops across Ireland. It's also in digital format via the magazine's website.

This issue includes features on Irish first names and naming patterns, tracing ancestors from County Cork and Irish soldiers in World War One. There's also a very topical article exploring the Philomena Lee project, which aims to bring hope for those seeking their natural families, and a How To feature about reconstructing a parish for genealoglical research.

Heading off to the Diaspora, there are features on Irish slave children who may be discovered in colonial court records, Irish soldiers in Australasia and helpful advise on using historical American newspapers for your research.

Regular items include news from around the societies, opinion pieces and Question & Answers, plus my own What's New Review, updating readers about the latest developments and record releases to help you progress your own genealogical research.

The magazine costs €4.50/£3.35 in the shops. A digital copy costs $5. See more more payment and subscription options available here.