Thursday, 6 February 2014

Catholic Family History Society Conference: 4 Oct 2014

The Catholic Family History Society is to hold its annual Day Conference & AGM at Salford Diocesan Archives, St. Augustine’s Hall, Grosvenor Square, All Saints, Manchester M15 6BW on Saturday October 4th 2014. This is the same venue as last year and it proved a most convenient and comfortable location.

The main programme includes two lectures:
  • Tracing Catholic Ancestors (from basic to advanced), with Maggie Loughran.
  • The Protestation Returns of 1642, with Tony Foster.
A Family History Help Desk will be available at lunch-time and late afternoon. Researchers are advised to bring along any documents and materials they'd like to discuss with the on-hand experts.

Cost £15.00, which includes lunch and all refreshments.

Tickets are available by cheque (made out to Catholic FHS) to: Mrs J M Smith 10 Irving Close Woodsmoor Stockport SK2 7DX, UK.

Alternatively, you can pay on arrival provided you have booked your place beforehand. No email address is available but you can book via the website Comment option.