Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Beyond the Grave: conference programme looks terrific The Grave Timetable.pdf
Coo. Here's something I don't think I can resist!

Just received the programme for the Beyond the Grave conference – sub-titled 'The social and physical acts surrounding burial and death in both modern and ancient Ireland' – which will be held in Limerick, Friday 25 to Sunday 27 April.

There's a great line up of speakers, a bus tour, an exhibition, and the launch of an important headstone collection. And all free! Booking is essential, though, because spaces are limited, and you can attend on any or all of the days. There will also be a conference dinner, which won't be free, obviously, and details of that event will be advised in due course.

Deadline for bookings is 31 March.

The conference is organised by Limerick Museum and Archives (LM&A) in partnership with Mary Immaculate College, Limerick, and you can download the timetable (3Mb pdf) here.