Monday, 21 October 2013

PRONI repeats Witchcraft, Magic and Devil conference

As mentioned in yesterday's Back To Our Past report, PRONI will be re-running its History of Witchcraft, Magic and the Devil in Ireland Conference on Wednesday 28 November.

The conference was originally announced for Halloween, 31 October, but this was booked so quickly that PRONI has decided to repeat the conference in November. Anyone currently on the October reserve list will be automatically added to the November event.

The evening will start with refreshments at 5:30pm, before the Conference presentations begin at 6pm.

The following lectures will be presented:

Portrayals of Witchcraft, Gender and Sexuality in Early Modern Imagery, with Cara Hanley
Mary Butters: the Carnmoney Witch, 1807-8, with John Fulton
Demonic Possession, Exorcism and the Roman Catholic Clergy in the Pre-famine Period, with Jodie Shevlin
Writing the History of Witchcraft and Magic in Ireland, with Andrew Sneddon

All four speakers are from the University of Ulster.

Admission is FREE but booking is essential at

UPDATE, 24 October: The event is filling up very quickly. Don't delay if you want to book!