Monday, 4 February 2013

RC registers for Kiltullagh parish join FindMyPast.IE

The FindMyPast Ireland database has had an interesting upgrade!

Searchable transcriptions have been added from the Roman Catholic baptism and marriage registers for Kiltullagh parish, Co. Roscommon. This parish meets the county's boundary with Co. Mayo and some of the individuals in these registers are from Mayo townlands ie Ballyglass.

This record set has transcriptions (no images) of more than 11,500 entries between 1839 and 1880.

Details provided include the names of witnesses (marriages) and sponsors (baptisms), often family members. All of these people can be searched for, by surname, using the 'What Else' search-box.

Here are a couple of results from quick searches:
  • Patrick Conolly, baptised 5 February 1860, the son of John Conolly and Bridget Fitzmaurice of the townland of Ballyglass. Sponsors: William Conolly and Nelly Fitzmaurice. Fee 2s 6d.
  • James MacDonnell, married on 13 October 1843 to Maria Miskell of the townland of Garranlahan. Witnesses: Patrick Miskell and Bridget Haman. Fee 13s.
These registers are also available on, where the registers extend to 1900.