Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Irish Genealogy Centre at heart of St Patrick's festival

As part of this year's St Patrick's Festival, an Irish Family History Centre is to be created at the Discover Ireland Centre, Suffolk Street, Dublin 2. It will operate from Thursday 14 March to Monday 18 March inclusive (opening times below) and is free.

Organised by and Eneclann, the event is aimed primarily at beginners and tourists (and there will be a good few of the latter around that week!). They will be able to take advantage of free advice and free access on multiple PCs. Family history groups, including the Irish Genealogical Research Society, will also be on hand to help visitors get started on their research or overcome a brickwall. Lectures are also being planned.

Further details will follow in due course.

Opening times:
Thursday – Saturday 10am-5pm
Sunday 11am-4pm
Monday 11am-3pm