Thursday, 7 February 2013

Irish and Scots-Irish Genealogy Seminar: Indianapolis

The Indiana Historical Society (IHS) and Genealogical Society of Marion County (GSMC) are holding a day seminar on Irish and Scots-Irish genealogical research on Saturday 23 March.

The programme of lectures is as follows:
  • Introduction to Irish and Scots-Irish family history research
  • Emigration from Ireland to America and sources for its study
  • Records relating to the different churches in Ireland
  • Understanding Irish townlands: The importance of place, identity and administrative divisions
  • Researching the farming community in the 18th and 19th centuries
  • Irish and Scots-Irish research: Not always at the bottom of the pile
Featured speakers are Fintan Mullan, Director of The Ulster Historical Foundation, and Brian Trainor, former Director of Northern Ireland’s Public Records Office.

For full details, download the programme.

Venue:  Basile Theater, The Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center (home of IHS and its Indiana Experience), 450 W. Ohio St, Indianapolis.

Costs: $35 ($28 for IHS and GSMC members); Lunch option: Potato Bar $12. Registration includes admission to the Indiana Experience on the day of the seminar.
