Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Exodus: Movement of the People - conference

A conference called Exodus: Movement of the People, which will study migration to, from, and within the geographical British Isles, is to be held from 6-8 September.

Organised by the Halsted Trust and sponsored by FindMyPast UK, the event will give the genealogy community an opportunity to increase their knowledge of migration and the records available as well as to network with other family historians. The programme is eclectic; I think most delegates will find it difficult to choose between the workshop options where two are run simultaneously. And there are two specifically Irish focussed workshops.

Venue: Hinckley Island Hotel in Leicestershire.

Costs: See booking form for details. There's a residential package available as well as day delegate rates. Early bird discounts are held until the end of May.

The conference website at www.exodus2013.co.uk also has many stories of migration.