Byrne's Irish Times Abstracts 1859-1901 have been added to FindMyPast Ireland's database.
These records cover the City of Dublin and its southern suburbs from 1859 to 1901 and are based solely on data extracted from the Irish Times. They include entries for virtually every building in every street in Dublin and its Southern suburbs.
The type of record relating to people may include birth, marriage and death announcements, accidents, employment, suicides, social activities and criminal/civil law cases. About 200,000 names are included in the collection.
The type of record relating to property may include sales and lettings, households, lodgings, prices, sanitary conditions, and the names of occupants, both current and previous.
The dataset does not include records of the police, the army, churches or sports.'s details of the collection says: 'Particular attention has been paid to the poor as few records were left by them. Also the deterioration of once fashionable streets with single family homes into densely crowded tenements has been given particular attention. If it was recorded in the Irish Times, it is here.'
The data has been supplied by Peter F. Byrne, a member of the English Bar licensed to practice law in the United States (California). He was educated in Dublin and at London University. He is an enthusiastic genealogist and historian with a particular interest in the history of Dublin.