Monday, 24 October 2022

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 24 Oct. to 6 Nov.

Tuesday 25 October: Islandmagee DNA Project Update, with Anne Johnston. Online. Hosted by North of Ireland Family History Society, Belfast Branch. 7:30pm–9pm BST. Free. All welcome. Non-members wishing to attend should e-mail the branch secretary at and they will be sent the link.

Tuesday 25 October: A pictorial tour of Antrim and Down through the eyes of Lord Mark Kerr, by Anne Casement. An in-person and online meeting hosted North of Ireland Family History Society, Causeway C&G Branch. Free. 8pm–9:30pm. Venue: Sandel Centre, Knocklynn Road, Coleraine, Co. LondonDerry. All welcome. Details.

Tuesday 25 October: How the ESB brought electricity to West Clare, with Brian McMahonan. An in-person event hosted by the Kilrush and District Historical Society. Presentation follows the Society's AGM. AGM 7:30pm. Talk 8pm. Venue: Teach Ceoil in Kilrush. All welcome. Free to members. Non-members €5 on the door.

Tuesday 25 October: The Murder of Michael Collins, an audio-visual and performance event with Paddy Cullivan. In-person. Venue: The Dublin Liberties Distillery 33 Mill Street, Dublin 8. 8pm to 10pm. Tickets €15, includes complimentary glass whiskey.

Tuesday 25 October: The Irish Civil War: the British Perspective, an online lecture by Professor Heather Jones. Part of the Civil War in Ireland: New Perspectives' series, a collaboration between the National Library of Ireland and the Atlas of the Irish Revolution editorial team, University of Cork. 7pm to 8pm. Free. Need to register.

Tuesday 25 October: The 1922 Constitution Committee: a dramatic theatrical re-enactment of the proceedings, performed in the Constitution Suite of the Shelbourne Hotel where the committee met over a period of six weeks. Hosts: National Archives of Ireland and the Courts Service of Ireland. The free online event will be live-streamed on the Courts Service's YouTube channel from 7:30pm (need to register) and the recording will be freely available some time afterwards on both the Courts and the Archives YouTube channels. Details.

Wednesday 26 October: Researching and Writing The Mount Washington Transit Tunnel Disaster - Using Public Records to Resolve a Family Mystery , an in-person event with Mary Jane Kuffner Hirt. Hosts: The Ulster Historical Foundation (UHF) and the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland. Venue: PRONI, 2 Titanic Boulevard, Titanic Quarter, Belfast BT3 9HQ. 1pm to 2pm. Need to register. Details.

Thursday, 27 October: DNA Connections, with Martin McDowell. A hybrid meeting hosted by North of Ireland Family History Society, Ballymena Branch. 7:15pm–8:45pm BST. In-person venue: Michelin Arts Workshop, Braid Arts Centre, 1-29 Bridge Street, Ballymena BT43 5EJ. All welcome. Details.

Thursday 27 October: Resources for the Revolutionary Period held by Wexford County Archives, with Barry Lacey. A free, in-person event hosted by Wexford County Council. Venue: Bunclody Library, Millwood, Carrigduff, Bunclody, Co. Wexford. All welcome. 7pm to 8pm. Details and booking.

Monday 31 October: Bank holiday in the Republic of Ireland only. (Business as usual in Northern Ireland)

Tuesday 1 November: Sex, Sectarianism(?) and the City: A Queer History for Belfast, 1890-1968, a hybrid event with Dr Tom Hulme of QUB. Host: Irish Historical Society. Venue: Boston College Ireland, 43 Saint Stephen's Green, Dublin 2. Online via zoom. 7pm. Free. All welcome. Registration and details at Eventbrite.

Tuesday 1 November: The Irish Civil War and Northern Ireland, an online lecture with Dr Adrian Grant. Host: National Library of Ireland. 7pm to 8pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book.

Wednesday 2 November: Irish Speaking Soldiers from East Belfast in the First World War, a talk with Dr Carmel Duggan, to coincide with the launch of a new exhibition. In-person event. Venue: Linen Hall Library, 17 Donegall Square North, Belfast. 2pm–3pm. Free but need to book. Details.

Wednesday 2 November: William Pirrie - Home Ruler, Liberal and Titanic builder, with Mark Doherty. An in-person event from the City Cemetery Series. Venue: Áras Uí Chonghaile; The James Connolly Visitor Centre, 374-376 Falls Road, Belfast. 7pm to 8.15pm. All welcome. Free. Booking advised.

Thursday 3 November: 'Oh! Jammie what have you done?': Traumatic assaults on women and imaginative resistance in mid-twentieth century Irish folklore, with Dr Christina Brophy. An online talk hosted by the Public Record Office of Northern Ireland in conjunction with The Ulster Society of Irish Historical Studies. 7pm to 8pm. Free. All welcome. Need to register.

Thursday 3 November: Policing in Ireland 1922, with Jim Herligy. An in-person talk. Host: Cork City Libraries. Venue: Mayfield Library, Old Youghal Road, Montenotte, Cork City. Free. 3pm. All welcome.

Friday 4 November: Amritsar 1919. The event that rocked an empire, an in-person talk with Michael Whelan. Venue: St. Patrick's Gateway Centre, Patrick Street, Waterford City. Tickets €6.19. Details.

Saturday 5 November: Amalgamating Your DNA Match Lists, an online zoom class with Martin McDowell. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society. 2pm. Cost: £10. Book your place while tickets last.