Monday 25 April: Family History Resources in Armagh Robinson Library, an online talk with Thirza Mulder. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Lisburn Branch. 7:30pm to 9pm. Free. All welcome. Non-members should contact the Branch Secretary at for zoom link.
Monday 25 April: The Treaty 1921, the National Archives of Ireland's exhibition is now on tour and will be at Wicklow Library & Archives, The Mall, Wicklow Town until 17 May. Free. In-person event. All welcome. Details.
Tuesday 26 April: The Belfast Blitz, an online lecture with Dr Brian Barton. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Belfast Branch. 7:30pm to 9pm. Free. All welcome. Non-members can contact Branch Secretary at to request zoom link.
Tuesday 26 April: Surveillance of and violence against women during the War of Independence; case studies from Co Clare, with Dr Mary McAuliffe. Host: The Kilrush and District Historical Society. An in-person and online event at 8pm. Venue: Teach Ceoil (Old CoI), Grace Street, Kilrush, County Clare: members free/non-members €5. Also on zoom. Details on Facebook.
Tuesday, 26 April: Emigration from the port of Londonderry, an online lecture with Brian Mitchell. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Causeway C&G Branch. 7:30pm–9pm. Free. Non-members can request zoom link from causeway [at]
Thursday 28 April: Researching your Church of Ireland ancestors, with Sandra Doble MAGI. An online event. Host: National Archives of Ireland. 6pm. All welcome. Free. Need to register.
Thursday 28 April: The merchant, the Quakers and the enslaved boy: a story of slavery from C18th-Ulster, with Dr Jonathan Wright. An online event hosted by the Ulster Society of Irish Historical Studies and the Public Records Office of Northern Ireland. Free. All welcome. 7pm–8pm. Need to register. Details.
Thursday 28 April: ‘Ours must go in time’: the burning of Sir John Keane’s Cappoquin House, Co Waterford, with Glascott Symes. Part of the online Burning the Big House lecture series. Host: Centre for the Study of Historic Irish houses and Estates, History Department, Maynooth University. 7pm to 8pm. Booking. Fully booked.
Thursday 28 April: The Reading Room of the National Archives of Ireland will close early (at 4pm) today. Reopening to normal hours 10am 25th.
Thursday 28 April: Policing in Ireland in 1922, with Cormac Moore, Dublin City Council Historian-in-Residence for the North Central Area. Part of the 'Ireland in 1922' online history talks hosted by Raheny Library. 7pm. Free. Need to book here.
Thursday 28 April:The Registry of Deeds, an online talk with Brian O'Hara. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Ballymena Branch. Free. 7:15pm–9pm. All welcome. Non-NIFHS members can email for zoom link to
Monday 2 May: May Bank Holiday across the island. All repositories closed.
Tuesday 3 May: The Treaty 1921, the National Archives of Ireland's exhibition is on tour and will be at The Source Arts Centre, Cathedral Road, Thurles, County Tipperary until 31 May. Free. In-person event. All welcome. Details.
Tuesday 3 May: Five Top Tips for Analysing your DNA Results, an online refresher class with Anne Johnston. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society. 7pm-8pm. Fee: £10. All welcome. Need to book.
Wednesday 4 May: Archives and Memory, North and South, an online discussion with Janet Hancock, Stephen Scarth and Tim Murtagh from PRONI and Nigel Johnston from NAI. Hosted by PRONI, NAI and Trinity Long Room Hub. 7pm–8:15pm. An online event. Free. All welcome. Details. Need to book.
Wednesday 4 May: Defending the Interests of Dublin's Poor: Sarah Cecilia Harrison and the 'greatest tragedy of modern times', an in-person event with Dr Mary Muldowney. Host: Dublin City Council. Venue: Central Library, Ilac Shopping Centre, Henry Street, Dublin 1. 1pm. Free. All welcome. Need to book.
Wednesday 4 May: Documentary screening of Burren Girl, a Minnesota woman's quest to discover her County Clare ancestors, followed by discussion. An in-person event (Ireland premier) to be hosted at Hotel Doolin, Fitz Cross, Doolin, Co Clare. 8pm to 10pm. All welcome. Free. Donations to Burrenbeo Trust appreciated. Booking essential. View trailer.
Thursday 5 May: The ruined Irish country house: reality and perception, with Robert O'Byrne. Part of the online Burning the Big House lecture series. Host: Centre for the Study of Historic Irish houses and Estates, History Department, Maynooth University. 7pm to 8pm. Booking. Fully booked.
Thursday 5 May: The Treaty 1921, the National Archives of Ireland's exhibition is on tour and will be at Donegal County Museum, High Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal until 31 May. Free. In-person event. All welcome. Details.
Saturday 7 May: Discover and Publish your Irish Family History, an online presentation with Miles Davenport. Host: McClelland Irish Library, Phoenix, Arizona USA. 11am–1pm. All welcome. Members $15 / Non-Members: $20. Details and registration.