Wednesday, 6 April 2022 makes a welcome return with new design

It's good to see functioning again, and with a new look and reorganised navigation.

The site, which is managed by the Local Studies department of Cork City Libraries, has been online for just over 12 years. When launched, it was one of the first such sites, and for several years it saw steady uploads of digitised items providing free information on the city's history, culture, places, people and events.

And then – I don't know what happened, or why – it simple stopped growing and began to look a little forlorn.

Well, the new site offers a modified collection of Local Studies material. There are five digital collections. They include Genealogy, Maps, Images, Street Directories and Texts (the latter include Crofton Croker Correspondence and Ye Mayoral Booke of Thomas Pembrock 1773).

These are limited for now, but they are free to browse and search, and the team say they will be uploading more items over the course of the year.