Friday, 11 February 2022

Workaround to view Connacht & Munster Landed Estates database

All of you who've been missing access to the still-offline database following last  September's attempted hack of NUI Galway's computer systems (see most recent blogpost) are going to be happy bunnies this weekend.

This is how the pages will look

Yesterday, in response to my tweet on Wednesday about the ongoing lack of access to the Connacht and Munster Landed Estates database, I was contacted by Dr Paul Greaney. Paul, a genealogist, lectures in Computer Science at the Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LYIT), and he's found a semi-functional version of the site.

Here's how to reach the database:

  • Type into your browser
  •  Landing page has several monochrome placeholder boxes and looks dead. But it isn't.
  • Below the top-left grey '260x80' placeholder is a row of options: Family, Estate, Houses or Maps. The Home link doesn't work, but the others do!
  • Click one, and you're in.

It's not pretty, and some of the search functions, Google Maps and general functionality aren't operational, but for most research purposes, it's almost as good as!

Huge thanks to Paul @paulkilgill for finding this workaround. He makes no promises as to how long it will work!

8 April 2022: The site is back up and running! See blogpost.