Tuesday, 1 February 2022

Irish genealogy, history and heritage events, 1-20 February

Most of the events listed here are scheduled to be held online, so I have taken this as the default position. However, some in-person events are beginning to be held again, and I included them; they are clearly noted as such below, in bold type with their location.

Tuesday 1 February: Glasnevin Cemetery – Women’s Tour, as part of Brigit 2022, Dublin City Celebrating Women programme. A special in-person tour of some of the influential women are buried in the nation's necropolis. Free. Starts 10:30am. Host: Glasnevin Cemetery, Finglas Road, Glasnevin, Dublin 11. Booking required. Details.

Tuesday 1 February: Ireland 1922: Women in independence, partition and civil war, an online discussion with Fionnuala Walsh, Lindsey Earner-Byrne and Mary McAuliffe. Chaired by Darragh Gannon. Hosts: Royal Irish Academy and Department of Foreign Affairs. 6pm to 7pm. No booking required. Free. All welcome. Details.

Tuesday 1 February: Smart Women, French Letters and Fast Commission – the second wave of Irish Feminism, Catriona Crowe in conversation with Suzanne Lynch. Host: Embassy of Ireland, Belgium, marking St Brigid's Day. 6pm in Belgium. 5pm Irish time. Online. Free but need to register.

Wednesday 2 February: Antrim - the Irish Revolution, 1912-23, with Dr Brian Feeney, author of a newly published book of the same name. The online talk will explore how the Ulster Crisis, Great War and Irish Revolution in Antrim shaped the political, economic and social aspects of people’s lives from 1912 to 1923. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland (PRONI). Free. All welcome. 7pm to 8pm. Booking required. Registration closes one hour before the event and an invite link will be sent to everyone registered one hour before the beginning of the event.

Wednesday 2 February: Getting Started with Irish Genealogy Research, an online workshop with Miles Davenport. Host: Irish Cultural Center and McClellan Library, Phoenix, USA. 11am to 1pm. Cost: Members: $15 | Non-Members: $20. Find out more, here.

Wednesday 2 February: Mapping Death: Burial in the Late Iron Age and Early Medieval Ireland, with Dr Elizabeth O'Brien. An online lecture hosted by Rathmichael Historical Society. 8pm. Free. All welcome. Details and link.

Saturday 5 February: Getting Started with Irish Genealogy, an in-person afternoon workshop hosted by BBNY GROUP at the New York Irish Center, 1040 Jackson Avenue, Queens, New York, USA. 2-5pm. Fee: $40+, includes refreshments and handouts. Registration required. Note proof of covid-19 vaccination requirement.

Monday, 7 February: H & J Martin, the Builders, with Joanne Martin talking about her Martin family. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Killyleagh Branch. 8pm - 9:30pm GMT. Free. All welcome. To join the online meeting, send email to Killyleagh@nifhs.org.

Monday 7 February: DNA – Life, Death, Disease & Genealogy, with Professor Anthony Bjourson. An online lecture. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Foyle Branch. 7pm - 8:30pm GMT. All welcome. Free. To join the meeting, send email to Foyle@nifhs.org. Details.

Tuesday 8 February: Belfast and the Slave Trade, with Clifton House. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Lisburn Branch. 8pm - 9:30pm GMT. Free. All welcome. To join the online meeting, send email to Lisburn@nifhs.org.

Tuesday 8 February: Newfoundland and Labrador: A mosaic founder population of an Irish and British diaspora from 300 years ago, an online lecture by Dr Edmund Gilbert. Host: Genealogical Society of Ireland. 8pm. Non-members can email (to Membership@familyhistory.ie) for link.

Wednesday 9 February: Oral history – an introductory workshop with Dr Tomás Mac Conmara who will discuss the value of oral history and the key skills required. Free. 7pm to 8:30pm. Online. To book a place email heritage@westmeathcoco.ie.

Wednesday 9 February: To Hell and Back: Ghosts and Perceptions of the Afterlife from Medieval Cork, an online lecture with Br Colmán Ó Clabaigh. Host: Cork Historical and Archaeological Society. 7:30pm. Register in advance. All welcome. Zoom link and details here.

Thursday 10 February: From ‘Bridgets’ to business magnates: a celebration of 300 years of Irish women in America. Join Ireland's Ambassador to the United States, Dan Mulhall, in coversation with Liz Evers and Niav Gallagher, editors of 'Irish Lives in America'. Hosts: Royal Irish Academy and Department of Foreign Affairs. Online. 6pm to 7pm. Free, but booking is required.

Monday 14 February: The Anglican Record Project, and Beyond, with Mark Williams. An online lecture. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Newtownabbey Branch. 7:00pm - 8:30pm GMT. All welcome. To join, send email to Newtownabbey@nifhs.org. Details.

Tuesday 15 February: Languages have no respect for human borders: Geography, culture and politics in Northern Ireland, with Karen Corrigan. Host: LibrariesNI Heritage From Home 2 series. 12:30pm. Free. Need to register. Details.

Tuesday 15 February: Ringforts in the Barony of Ikerrin … and beyond, with Dr Matthew Stout. An in-person lecture hosted by Tipperary Studies. Part of the Tipperary People and Places Lecture series. Venue: The Source Library, Thurles, Co Tipperary. 7:30pm. All welcome. Details.

Thursday 17 February: The Cult of Patrick and his Later Medieval Latin Lives, with Dr Elizabeth Dawson. Host: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies (USIHS). 7pm to 9pm. Free. Online. All welcome. Need to book.

Thursday 17 February: Killed by Partition and Politics; The decline of Irish cross border railways 1921 to 1965, with Jim McBride. Host: LibrariesNI Heritage From Home 2 series. 12:30pm. Free. Need to register. Details.