Saturday, 12 February 2022

National Archives of Ireland's Genealogy databases are inaccessible

The National Archives of Ireland's Genealogy website isn't working properly this afternoon. It seemed fine this morning, but now, while you can navigate around the site as if all was well, you can't reach any of the databases.

I can't remember this happening before. It's gone kapput a few times, but not like this.

It's a Saturday. I can't find out what is wrong nor when it might be fixed.

I won't be monitoring it all night! I'll take a look in the morning.

UPDATE, Sunday 13 Feb: no change.

UPDATE, Monday 14 Feb: full access restored.

UPDATE, Tuesday 15 Feb: Groundhog day! All systems down again. The techies are aware of it and are working to restore access asap.

UPDATE, Tuesday 15 Feb, 2.15pm: Full service has resumed.