It covers all editions published in 1960 to 1969 inclusive and, as with last month's instalment, it is accompanied by a presentation in the ‘Borderless Church’ series from the Representative Church Body Library.
The '1960s' presentation is from Brian M Walker, Professor Emeritus of Irish Studies at Queen’s University Belfast. In the 60s, the newly relaunched Gazette was reaching out to both Northern Ireland and the Republic, and Professor Walker explores further aspects of this, and how strong editorial input ensured that events of national importance in both jurisdictions as well as international events were well covered and carefully analysed.
He concludes: "The 1960s were a time of great change in Ireland, north and south, and this is revealed in the pages of the Gazette. We see how, in spite of such differences, the Church of Ireland maintained an all-Ireland approach. These years showed evidence of considerable vitality for the parishes and the clergy. Progress was made to tackle existing political and denominational divisions, but serious problems remained.
"While the challenge in the 1960s involved the building of many new churches and other buildings, the challenge would move in the 1970s to facing the effects of violence and civil strife. The Gazette would continue to record and to comment about the life and faith of the Church in response to these events."
To search and view the 1960s releases, and all the other editions of the Gazette up to 1969, go to
For the Borderless Church series of presentations, see Dr Marie Coleman’s analysis of the 1950s editions of the Gazette here.