Tuesday, 24 March 2020

FindMyPast UK adjusts price of subscription packages

As advised on this blog last week, FindMyPast.co.uk has increased its subscription prices.

As you can see from the table below, the increases are small; most are around the £1 mark, and there's even one tiddly weeney price drop of 1p! The largest increase is £8 (the six-month Starter sub).

I understand the cost of subscriptions to the other FindMyPast territories (.ie, .com and .com.au) are under review but there's no confirmation yet on whether they will be increased, reduced or held.

(By the time the decisions are made, I hope to have worked out what on earth is wrong with my table code!)

Current New Current New Current New
1 Month £8.95 £9.99 £12.95 £12.99 £15.95 £16.99
3 Month £23.85 £24.99 £35.85 £35.99 £44.85 £46.99
6 Month £41.70 £49.99 £65.70 £67.99 £83.70 £85.99
12 Month £72.00 £79.99 £120.00 £119.99 £156 £159.99