It's good to see the Registry of Deeds Digitisation Project moving forward!
An advertisement for a Digitisation Archivist has been published today on It confirms the Property Registration Authority 'is now embarking on a long-term project to digitise its collections', which we have known since June when the Registry of Deeds Digitisation Strategy Advisory Group was set up. The recruitment of a professionally qualified archivist with experience in the areas of cataloguing and digitisatiion will be a major step along the long road. Interviews are expected to take place in February 2020.
A note in the detailed job description booklet reminded me of the intention to merge the Property Registration Authority, the Valuation Office and Ordnance Survey Ireland. This merger of the three state agencies has been progressing sluggishly – I think it must now be at least a year behind the original timetable. Let's hope this isn't a taste of what's to come with the digitisation project..
When established, the new organisation – to be known as Tailte Éireann (TE) – will be responsible for providing the authoritative property registration system, national mapping and surveying infrastructure and property valuation service for the State. As such, it will be the primary national source of property information and geo-spatial data and will be a leader in the development and delivery of land information services.