Thursday, 1 August 2019

Lord Mayor’s Certificates in Oral History and Local History now enrolling for 2019-2020

Dublin City Library and Archive (DCL&A) will once again be offering both the Lord Mayor’s Certificate in Oral History and the Lord Mayor's Certificate in Local History from September 2019. These popular courses are taught at the DCL&A's premises at 138 Pearse Street, Dublin 2. Below are some brief details of each.

Lord Mayor's Certificate in Local Studies
The course examines the local dimension of Ireland’s past and is presented in a lively and accessible manner. It aims to give participants a formal and practical training in how to carry out research in local studies, with an emphasis on the history and heritage of local places, and how to write up their discoveries in the form of a dissertation.

The course consists of 100 hours part time study made up of 67 hours of class-based tuition, a presentation of DCL&A's holdings, and two full-day field trips. The classes will be held on Tuesdays, 5:30pm to 8pm, from 10 September 2019 until 7 April 2020, with a four-week break from mid-December.

You can download the course brochure for more details. Application deadline is 30 August.

Dublin City Council offers two bursaries – each worth up to 50% of the course fee – for candidates taking this course. Applications deadline is 23 August. For more information, download bursary details.

Lord Mayor's Certificate in Oral History

This course examines the wealth of recorded oral narrative sources in Ireland in both oral history and folklore. and gives participants formal and practical training in how to prepare oral history projects, conduct and transcribe interviews and present oral history research.

Participants will develop writing and presentation skills and learn how to locate their research within broader historical and cultural contexts.

The course consists of 70 hours part-time study made up of class-based tuition and two visits to archive services in the Dublin area. Classes will be held on Mondays from 23 September 2019 to 6 April 2020, with a four-week break from mid-December.

You can download the course brochure for more details. Application deadline is Friday 30 August.

Dublin City Council offers two Bursaries – worth up to 50% of the course fee – for candidates taking this course. Application deadline is 23 August. for more information, download bursary details.