Thursday, 1 August 2019

Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives: July updates

Tallies of records and images available free at Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives at the end of July show just how large, and essential, this database of volunteer-contributed records has become. In July alone, more than 1,000 images for headstones in Dublin's Mount Jerome cemetery alone were transcribed and uploaded. They, and the photos submitted and added to the archive in the last two weeks, have created a new total of more than 147,000 images in the Ireland Headstone Project.

All the headstones in Moyna Cemetery (Kilmeena),
near Newport, Co Mayo, have been photographed
by volunteer Bernie McCafferty.
Well done to all the contributors, whether they give up their time to take photos of memorials or to transcribe inscriptions and other records, or donate hard cash to keep the database online to the benefit of all Irish family historians.

Here are the folders added since mid-July:

CAVAN Genealogy Archives
Census Substitutes – Hearth Money Rolls of 1664 - Castlerahan and Mointerconaght Parish
Headstones – Mullahoran, Our Lady of Lourdes RC, Pts 1 & 2; and St. Ultan's, Killinkere

LONGFORD Genealogy Archives
Cemetery inscriptions – Memorials from several graveyards

MAYO Genealogy Archives
Headstones – Moyna Cemetery (Finished) Pt 3