Tuesday, 23 July 2019

Price reduction for copies of post-1857 E&W wills

It's not often genealogists encounter a permanent price reduction!

The cost of a digital copy of post-1857 probate records from England and Wales has been slashed from £10 to £1.50 with immediate effect. The copies can be ordered via the Find A Will online service, which I can vouch for as pretty efficient having used it (and paid full whack, grrrr) only two weeks ago.

You search the Find A Will database by name and year of death, select the record of interest, and pay up. Up to 10 days later (in my case, just 48 hours), a pdf copy of the probate docs and will arrives in your Inbox.

You can find out more about the service at the UK Government site, here, or go direct to the search page at Find A Will.

(With thanks to Roger Harvey)