You can access these records sets (details below) so long as you have a free registered account. If you don't already have one, you'll need to register. This is a straightforward and quick process.
Either way, just click the image to get started.
The free access will end on Sunday 21 July at 11:59pm ET.
The following data collections are included in the free access weekend:
- 1825 Census of Lower Canada
- 1842 Census of Canada East
- 1851 Census of Canada East, Canada West, New Brunswick, and Nova Scotia
- 1861 Census of Canada
- 1871 Census of Canada
- 1881 Census of Canada
- 1891 Census of Canada
- 1901 Census of Canada
- 1906 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
- 1911 Census of Canada
- 1916 Canada Census of Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta
- 1921 Census of Canada
- Nova Scotia, 1770 Census
- Nova Scotia, Canada, Census, Assessment & Poll Tax Records, 1770-95, 1827, 1838
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