The North of Ireland Family History Society is to hold a DNA Summer School in August.
On the pick-and-mix curriculum is a daily choice of two two-hour classes, one held in the morning (11am), one in the afternoon (2pm). Each class will follow a similar format with a talk of about one hour followed by a practical workshop to put into place what has been learned. Participants can attend just one class or a number of classes, according to their needs. Each class costs just £5.
Apart from the classes on Monday (Y-DNA & MT-DNA) where having DNA Test results is optional, participants will need to have received DNA results to take part in the classes.
In order to fully participate in the workshop, they will also need to bring a laptop and the login details for their DNA results.
Below is the briefest summary of the schedule and class topics. See the NIFHS website for more details and how to book.:
Monday 26 August:
Tuesday 27 August:
Uploading Results to other Sites
Ethnicity Estimates
Wednesday 28 August:
Using My Heritage DNA
Thursday 29 August:
Maternal and Paternal Linking on FTDNA
ThruLines – a new tool on Ancestry
Friday 30 August:
Using DNA Painter
Theory of Family Relativity