Friday, 19 July 2019

30 Irish cultural traditions given official recognition

Some 30 unique traditions have been given official recognition by the state. Some of the customs and traditions have a national reach, which others are specific to regions or cities.

Traditional Currachs are still a common sight in
the coastal waters along the West of Ireland.
Among them are the making of Irish crochet lace and Mountmellick embroidery, the Burren Winterage festival, which celebrates the unique farming history of North Clare, the Mummers of Fingal, dry stone construction, which is still such a feature of rural Ireland, Sea currach making and Snap net fishing, and the tradition of carillon – bellringing percussion organ – in Cobh, Co Cork. All 30 have been given a status that will help to protect and preserve the traditions for generations.

The customs have been added to the National Inventory of Ireland’s Intangible Cultural Heritage, a UNESCO initiative to safeguard cultural heritage.

Uileann piping and hurling have already been been inscribed in the UNESCO list of intangible cultural heritage, while an application for harping will be considered at the end of the year.

The full list of customs and traditions recognised on the list are:

  • Uileann Piping
  • Hurling
  • Cruitireacht na hÉireann / Irish Harping
  • Winterage in the Burren
  • Limerick Lace
  • Turas Cholm Cille
  • Snap Net Fishing
  • Irish Crochet Lace
  • Cobh Carillon Playing
  • Native Irish Pedigree Dog Breeds
  • Art and Practice of Falconry
  • St Moling’s Pilgrim’s Route
  • Mountmellick Embroidery
  • Cant / Gamon, the traditional language spoken by Travellers
  • Traveller Tinsmithing
  • Sea Currach Making
  • Mummers of Fingal
  • Basketmaking
  • Letterpress Printing in Ireland
  • Floating Heritage
  • Carrickmacross Lack Making
  • Marcanna na Talaimh
  • Dry Stone Construction
  • Irish Traditional Music
  • Traditional Farming and Sheepdog Training
  • Irish Draught Horse Breeding
  • Boyne Currach Making
  • Loy Digging
  • Holy Wells in County Clare
  • Mid Kerry Biddy