Friday, 12 July 2019

FindMyPast's growing US passenger and crew collection tops 102m records

FindMyPast has consolidated its collection of US passenger and crew records and added a further two million records covering Boston, Texas and South Carolina.

Click image to view expanded sample manifest
This growing collection now holds more than 102.5million records, most of them from the National Archives and Record Admission (NARA) in Washington, John F Kennedy Trust Ltd, and Mystic Seaport Museums. You'll find a full list of the lists and their sources here.

Spanning 1800-1965, the collection includes ship manifests kept by shipmasters, crew lists, flight manifests, passenger arrival lists, and more, and documents the arrival of millions of immigrants – so many of them Irish – into America.

Transcripts and images are available for most of the entries, and many researchers will discover not only basic details of their ancestor's year and place of birth, arrival and place of arrival and ship name, but also who their ancestor travelled with, what their occupation was, their last residence and who they were intending to visit after arrival.

The crew lists may reveal physical descriptions, lengths of service, literacy levels and specific jobs of individuals working on a ship.

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