Monday, 15 October 2018

Irish family history and heritage events, 15-27 October

Monday 15 October: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Dublin 2. On-going all-day Monday closures are facilitating extensive redevelopment of the main Kildare Street premises; all other services/exhibitons/cafe, including Genealogy Advisory Service, operate as normal. Details.

Monday 15 October: Diary of a WW1 Nurse, with Jenny Cumming. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, Larne Branch. Venue: Larne Bowling & Lawn Tennis Club, 112-120 Glenarm Road, Larne, BT40 1DZ. 7:30pm. No need to book. All welcome.

Monday 15 October: The Heathen's Tale, with Annie Humphrey. Host: More Tales of Medieval Dublin lecture series. Venue: Wood Quay Venue, Dublin City Council, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. Admission free. All welcome. 1:05pm - 1:50pm.

Monday 15 October to Friday 19 October Researching your Irish and Scots-Irish family history, with Gillian Hunt and Fintan Mullan at the 2018 British Institute. Host: International Society for British Genealogy and Family History. Venue: Salt Lake Plaza Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA. Cost: $495. Details.

Tuesday 16 October: An introduction to family history research, a workshop. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, South Tyrone Branch. Venue: Killymaddy Centre, 190 Ballygawley Road, Dungannon, Co Tyrone BT70 1TF. Free. 8pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 17 October: The Taverner Family, with Tom Mason. Host: North of Ireland Family History Society, North Armagh Branch. Venue: Bleary Community Centre, 1 Deans Road, Bleary, Craigavon, Co Armagh, BT66 7AS. Free. 7:30pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 17 October: John Redmond – The forgotten patriot, with former Taoiseach John Bruton. Host: Westmeath Archaeological and Historical Society. Venue: Greville Armsn, Mullingar, Co Westmeath. 8pm. All welcome. Free.

Wednesday 17 October: Book launch: Michael Collins – The Man and the Revolution, by Anne Dolan and William Murphy. Guest speaker: Fintan O'Toole. Host: Collins Press. Venue: GPO Witness History, O'Connell Street, Dublin 1. All welcome. 6:30pm-7:30pm. All welcome.

Wednesday 17 October: “We always vote Redmond in this house” - The Redmonds and Waterford, a political dynasty, 1891-1952, with Dr Pat McCarthy. Host: Waterford County Museum. Venue: Dungarvan Harbour Sailing Club, Quay St, Abbeyside, Dungarvan, Co. Waterford, 8pm. Entry fee €5. All welcome.

Friday 19 to Sunday 21 October: Back To Our Past family history fair and Genetic Genealogy Ireland conference. Organised by SLP and ISOGG respectively. Venue: Industries Hall, RDS, Anglesea Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4. Free admission for pre-booked tickets. All welcome. Lectures, societies, database providers, DNA test kits, publishers and suppliers and more, all under one roof. Details.

Friday 19 to Sunday 21 October: Maritime Heritage, a weekend of lectures from lighthouse keepers, sailors, historians and maritime archaeologists. Host: Maritime Heritage Weekend. Venue: Harry's Bar, Rosses Point, Sligo. Tickets for each evening/afternoon are €10 or weekend tickets are €25 and will be available at the door or from Harry’s Bar. Details.

Sunday 21 OctoberFrom Ulster to New England: Researching your Scots-Irish ancestors, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Hosts: New England Historical Genealogical Society and New Hampshire Historical Society. Venue: Executive Court Banquet Facility, 1199 S. Mammoth Road, Manchester, New Hampshire, USA. Cost: $125. Details.

Monday 22 October to Friday 26 October: National Archives of Ireland's Reading Room closed to facilitate building works. Venue: Bishop Street, Dublin 8. Reopens Tuesday 30th. Details

Monday 22 October: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Dublin 2. On-going all-day Monday closures are facilitating extensive redevelopment of the main Kildare Street premises; all other services/exhibitons/cafe, including Genealogy Advisory Service, operate as normal. Details.

Monday 22 October: Was Bonaparte in the GPO? Reflections on the legend of Napoleon in Irish history 1796-1916, with Professor Thomas Bartlett. Host and venue: Princess Grace Irish Library, 9 rue Princesse Marie-de-Lorraine, 98000 Monaco. 7:30pm–10pm. Reservations via are essential. Entry €10 per person payable at the door.

Monday 22 October: The sinking of the RMS Leinster in October 1918, with Mario Corrigan. Host: Kill Local History Group. Venue: Parish Office, Kill, Co. Kildare. 8:30pm. Free. All welcome.

Tuesday 23 October: Pandemic: Ireland and the Great Flu 1918, a full-day conference and exhibition. Hosts: Glasnevin Cemetery Museum and Trinity College Dublin. Venue: Glasnevin Cemetery Museum, Finglas Road, Dublin 11. 9:30am to 5:15pm. €10. Booking.

Wednesday 24 October: DNA applications to Irish genealogy, with Maurice Gleeson. Host: Irish Genealogical Research Society, Ireland Branch Autumn Lecture. Venue: Helen Roe Theatre, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, 63 Merrion Square South, Dublin 2. 6:45pm. All welcome. Members free; non-members €5.

Wednesday 24 October: The Siege, the 1718 Migration and the Foyle Valley, with Dr William Roulston. Hosts: Siege Museum supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Derry Strabane Council. Venue: The Siege Museum, 13 Society Street, Derry BT48 6PJ. Free. 7pm to 10pm. Need to register.

Wednesday 24 October: Irish family history assistance in the Library. Host: Genealogical Society of Victoria. Venue: GSV Library, Level 6, 85 Queen Street, Melbourne, Australia. Free for members. $20 non-members. 10am to 4pm. Consultations: One-hour appointments with a research consultant also available. See details.

Thursday 25 October: Total war? Ireland in the Revolutionary and Napoleonic wars, 1793-1815, with Professor Tom Bartlett. Hosts: PRONI and the Ulster Society for Irish Historical Studies. Venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, 2 Titanic Boulevard, Titanic Quarter, Belfast BT3 9HQ. Free. 7pm–9:30pm. Need to register.

Friday 26 October: Using Family and Local History Resources Online, a Positive Aging Month practical workshop that starts with an orientation tour of PRONI and is followed by an introduction to searching resources online. Venue: Public Record Office of Northern Ireland, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 11am to 1pm. Free, but space is limited so booking is essential. Details

Saturday 27 October: Irish Special Interest Group meeting, with Jean Roth. Host and venue: Seattle Genealogical Society, 6200 Sand Point Way NE. Seattle, WA, USA. Free. 10:15am to 12:15pm. All welcome.

Sunday 28 October Free genealogy help session. Host and venue: Library of the Irish American Heritage Center, 4626 N Knox Avenue, Chicago, IL 60630, USA. From 1pm to 4pm. Free. All welcome.