Tuesday 5 June: Using your DNA results in practice - focus on autosomal DNA, a 3-hour workshop with Maurice Gleeson. Hosts: New Zealand Society of Genealogists, (Post-) Annual Conference. Venue: Christchurch Boys High School, 71 Straven Rd, Christchurch, New Zealand. 9am to noon. NZ$40. Booking essential.

Thursday 7 June: Using DNA to solve unknown parentage cases, and Marrying DNA and Irish family tree research, both with Maurice Gleeson. Host: New Zealand Society of Genealogists. Venue: ASB Sports Centre, Matairangi Room, 72 Kemp Street, Kilbirnie, Wellington, New Zealand. 1pm to 3:30pm. No booking required. All welcome. $20 on the door. Details.
Friday 8 June and Saturday 9 June: Irish Military Seminar. Host and Venue: Riverbank Arts Centre, Newbridge, Co Kildare. Friday evening: reception, book launch, talks, 5pm to 9pm, free; Saturday: complementary tea/coffee, six talks, lunch at own expense, 8:45-4:30pm, €5. Booking essential via Riverbank Arts Centre Box Office - boxoffice@riverbank.ie or telephone 00353 (0)45 448327.
Friday 8 June and Saturday 9 June: Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society, annual conference 2018. Hosts: Dr Ivar McGrath (UCD) and Dr Jeffrey Cox in partnership with Waterford Treasures and Christ Church Cathedral Waterford. Venues: Waterford City Hall and Christ Church Cathedral and others. Full details.
Saturday 9 June: Using DNA to solve unknown parentage cases, and Marrying DNA and Irish family tree research, both with Maurice Gleeson. Host: New Zealand Society of Genealogists. Venue: St Andrew's Church Hall, corner of Ridge Road and Vincent Street, Howick, Auckland, New Zealand. 1pm to 3:30pm. No booking required. All welcome. $20 on the door. Details.
Saturday 9 June: Irish family history resources online, with Chris Paton. Host: Family History Discovery Day. Venue: LDS Church 35 Julian Avenue, Kelvindale, Glasgow G12 0RB. 10.20am. Free.
Saturday 9 June: Family history, science and Irishness. Host: Irish Diaspora Foundation, Double Helix History (University of Manchester) and the Manchester & Lancashire Family History Society. Venue: Irish World Heritage Centre, 1 Irish Town Way, Manchester M8, UK. 10:30am to 12:30pm. Free but prior registration advised. Details.
Sunday 10 June: Using DNA to solve unknown parentage cases, and Marrying DNA and Irish family tree research, both with Maurice Gleeson. Host: New Zealand Society of Genealogists, Te Awamutu DNA support group. Venue: St John Ambulance Hall, Palmer St, Te Awamutu, New Zealand.
Monday 11 June: NLI Reading Room and Manuscript Room closed. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. On-going Monday closures are to facilitate extensive redevelopment of the premises. All other services/exhibitons/cafe, including Genealogy Advisory Service operating as normal. Details.
Monday 11 June: Researching surnames & the Guild of One Name Studies (GOONS), with Michelle Patient (10am), and Marrying DNA and Irish family tree research (noon), with Maurice Gleeson. Host: New Zealand Society of Genealogists, Papamoa DNA Special Interest Group. Venue: Tohora Room, Papamoa Community Centre, 15 Gravatt Road, Papamoa, New Zealand. No booking required. Contact.
Tuesday 12 June: History and Genealogy – you can’t have one without the other, with Declan F Brady. Host: GSI. Venue: Dun Laoghaire Further Education Institute, Cumberland St, Dun Laoghaire. All welcome. 8pm. €3.
Wednesday 13 June: Family history – Searching for your Cork ancestors, one-to-one beginner sessions. Host and venue: Youghal Library, The River Gate Mall, N Main St, Youghal-Lands, Youghal, Co. Cork. Free but booking essential on 021-4546499.
Thursday 14 June: National Library - late opening. All NLI venues in Dublin will be closed until 11am to facilitate staff development meeting.
Saturday 16 June: What's a shrink like me doing in a place like this? (a review of the software and tools that I use in my day to day work), with Maurice Gleeson. Host: New Zealand Society of Genealogists, Auckland branch Genealogical Computing Group. Venue: St Andrew's Church Hall, corner of Ridge Road and Vincent Street, Howick, New Zealand. 2pm. Contacts.