Wednesday 13 June 2018

Celtic Connections Conference, Boston MA, 10-11 Aug

This year's Celtic Connections Conference, 'Pathways to Our Past', will be held at Boston Marriott Hotel in Massachussetts, USA, on Friday 10 and Saturday 11 August.
Co-sponsored by The Irish Ancestral Research Association (TIARA) and the International Genealogical Society of Ireland (IGSI), the conference presents two days of lectures on Irish, Scottish, Welsh and Scots-Irish family history, DNA and culture. All presentations are by international and US-based experts.

Luncheon, with entertainment, is included on both days of the conference. There's also a full-day coach tour the day before the official start of the conference, a Friday evening banquet and a pub quiz.

You can find full details of the conference, the programme, accommodation options, costs and registration by clicking/tapping the image, above right.