Monday, 1 August 2016

Irish genealogy and history events, 1–14 August

Monday 1 August: Bank holiday in Republic of Ireland. All libraries and archives closed (except National Library of Ireland's exhibitions, see details). Northern Ireland open for business and research as usual.

Tuesday 2 August: Territory, maps and genealogy, with Paul McCotter MAGI. Part of the NLI Genealogy at Lunchtime lecture series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare St., Dublin 2. Free. 1pm. All welcome. Booking not required.

Wednesday 3 August: The life and legacy of Roger Casement, a special event including exhibition and access to Air Corps Museum. Host: Ireland 2016 and the Defence Forces. Venue: Casement Aerodrome, Baldonnel, Dublin 22. 11am to 5pm. Tickets are free but must be booked in advance. Details and booking.

Thursday 4 August: Explorations in Irish genealogy, with Fiona Fitzsimons. Part of the NLI Genealogy at Lunchtime lecture series. Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare St, Dublin 2. Free. 1pm. All welcome. Booking not required.

Tuesday 9 August: Researching the Rising Workshop, with Dr Emma Edwards. Advice on researching the collections of theh NLI. Host and venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Suitable for anyone looking to embark on a research project or to enhance research skills in navigating the catalogue, accessing the various collections and interpreting the sources. 2pm. Free. Need to book. Details.

Tuesday 9 August: The manor of Kilmainham, with Paolo Virtuani. Part of the Milestones of Medieval Dublin Lunchtime Lectures series. Host: Friends of Medieval Dublin. Venue: Civic Offices, Wood Quay, Dublin 8. 1:05–1:50pm. Free. No booking. All welcome.

Tuesday 9 August: Sisters of the Revolutionaries: Margaret and Mary Bridget Pearse, with Teresa O’ Donnell. Host: Genealogical Society of Ireland. Venue: Dún Laoghaire Further Education Institute, Cumberland Street, Dún Laoghaire, Dublin 18. 8–10pm. All Welcome. €3.

Thursday 11 August: The Yanks are Coming: The American Expeditionary Force in the Great War, with John Lee. Host: Western Front Association. Venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 6:30pm. All welcome. Free. No need to book.

Thursday 11 August: WWI Ireland: Exploring the Irish Experience, an exhibition tour. Host and venue: National Library of Ireland, 2/3 Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Booking is not required. All welcome. 2pm.

Thursday 11 August: The Reading Room of the National Archives will not open until 2pm.

Thursday 11 August: Oral traditions, with Nuala Ni Dhomhnaill. Part of the NLI Genealogy at lunchtime lecture series. Host and venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Free. 1pm. All welcome. Booking not required.

Saturday 13 August: Genealogy drop-in, with Mayo Genealogy Group. Host and venue: National Museum of Ireland, Country Life, Turlough Park, Co Mayo. If you have an interest in finding out about your family history come along for free practical tips. No booking required. New researchers welcome. 11:30am to 1pm.

Saturday 13 August: The National Library's History & Heritage, an introduction to the Library's rich architectural history and the Signatories exhibition, plus a guided tour of the Reading Room.  Venue: National Library of Ireland, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. Admission free. All welcome. 1pm. No need to book.

Sunday 14 August: Bonnets and Brothels: The Women of Dublin Castle, with Kimberley Foy. Host and venue: Dublin Castle, Dame Street, Dublin 2. Talk tailored to adults. 4:15pm. Free, but booking required by email to