Tuesday, 26 July 2016

Reduced summer service for Irish Genealogy News

I'm waving the white flag as a temporary measure
I've been on the verge of doing this for a few weeks but today, however reluctantly, I know I have to wave the white flag and take a short break from the blog. I've been struggling with a backlog of work-work for some time and if I'm ever going to catch up, I really must focus on it.

So I shall be head down until the middle of next week (when there's a lovely gift coming your way... more about that on 3rd/4th) and will then bring you a limited blog service until mid-August, at least.

August is usually a pretty quiet period for record releases and I'm not expecting anything particularly significant to drop from the sky, but you never know.

If I hear of any major news along the way, I'll make sure to report it, if only briefly, but otherwise, I'll hang fire. I'll do catch-up posts as and when I can.