Monday, 23 May 2016

Irish genealogy and history events, 23 May to 5 June

Monday 23 May: Kildare and the American Civil War, with Damian Sheils. Venue: Parish Meeting Room, Kill, Co Kildare. 8pm. Free. All welcome.

Tuesday 24 May: Trace your family history, with the Ulster Historical Foundation. Host: Ballyclare May Festival. Venue: Ballyclare Primary School Pitch and Marquee, Co Antrim. 12pm to 3pm. Free. No booking required. Details.

Wednesday 25 May: What were your family doing in 1916? An afternoon of genealogy with Eneclann/FindMyPast. Host and venue: Carrickmacross Library, Civic Office, Riverside Road, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan. Noon to 5pm. Free. Talks and one-to-one consultations. Booking may be required: T 042 966 1148

Wednesday 25 May: The Centenary of the Honan Chapel, with Virginia Teehan. Last of University College Cork's 'Reconsidering the Rising' Spring Public Lectures. Venue: Ground Floor Theatre, Geology & Geography Building, UCC (off Donovan Rd, near main gate on Western Rd), Cork City. 6pm. Free. All welcome. No booking required.

Thursday 26 May: Introduction to PRONI, a practical workshop covering online sources, use of microfilm, a guided tour and presentation of documents. Host and venue: PRONI, Titanic Boulevard, Belfast. 2–4pm. Spaces limited. Free. Need to book by email to, or telephone: 02890 534800. Fully booked.

Thursday 26 May: Cumann na mBan in Donegal, with Helen Meeran. Host and Venue: Donegal County Museum, High Road, Letterkenny, Co Donegal. 1pm.

Thursday 26 May and Friday 27 May: National Library of Ireland – Change to standard hours. all venues to close at 3:45 on Thurday afternoon, remaining closed until 2pm on Friday.

Friday 27 May: Kerry's pivotal role in the Easter Rising, with Dr Mary McAuliffe. Presentation and book signing. Host and venue: Boston College, St Stephen's Green, Dublin. 7pm. Free. The event will feature special guests.

Monday 30 May: Public holiday in Northern Ireland. PRONI and all libraries closed. Reopening Tuesday.

Tuesday 31 May: The class background and role of women in the 1916 Rebellion, with Dr Ann Matthews. Host and venue: Castletown House, Celbridge, Co Kildare. €5, includes refreshments. 7:15pm. Booking required: T (0)1 628 8252 or E 8pm. Lecture held in the Hunting Room.

Tuesday 31 May: Launch of 100 Islandmagee seamen, an exhibition. Host and venue: Gobbins Visitors Centre, Middle Road, Islandmagee, Co Antrim. Runs until 28 June.

Wednesday 1 June: Shock, Shell Shock and the 1916 Rising, with Professor Brendan Kelly. Part of the Remembering 1916 lunchtime lecture series at the Ulster Museum. Venue: Lecture Theatre, Ulster Museum, Botanic Gardens, Belfast, BT9 5AB. 1–2pm. Free. All welcome. Booking.

Friday 3 June to Sunday 5 June: Genealogy on the Cutting Edge conference. Host: Ontario Genealogical Society. Venue: Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Excellent programme includes what's new in Irish research, dna, technology and the world of genealogy Details.