Thursday, 24 March 2016

Free Irish, UK and Commonwealth records on Ancestry

UPDATE: A day after publication of the blogpost below, Ancestry added its entire Commonwealth collection of records to the free access weekend. 

While the details below are correct, please go to Friday's post:
 Ancestry offers free Easter access to its Irish, UK, and Commonwealth collections to take advantage of additional free records.

Australian Immigration collection free until 28 March has announced a weekend of free access to its collection of immigration records.

The Immigration Collection includes Convict Transportation Registers, Convict pardons and tickets of leave, Assisted and Unassisted passenger lists, Registers of Seamen, Naturalisation records and a specifically Irish collection recording wives and children of Irish convicts arriving in New South Wales between 1825 and 1840.

There are many more, as you can see in this Immigration Collection list.

Access to the records will be free until 11:59pm AEDT* on Monday 28 March.

Entire Irish collection free until 31 March
To view this collection, you'll need to have an account with You don't need a current Ancestry subscription. You can register for free with with your name and email address and will then receive a username and password to access the records. See the full conditions on the site.

This weekend freebie to the Australian/NZ Immigration Collection is a timely reminder that Ancestry's Irish Collection is also still free until 31 March, and now includes some never-before-online Easter Rising records.


*If you're in the EU, don't get caught out by our change of clocks this weekend. Australia doesn't change its clocks until the first weekend in April.