Monday, 21 March 2016

And the winner of the Best RC Register Collection is...

No, you're not gonna draw me into that one, thanks all the same! For a start, I haven't done any genealogy research since the two big beasts – Ancestry and FindMyPast – launched their transcriptions of the NLI's parish registers images at the beginning of the month.

But John Grenham has 'gone there', and you can read what he has to say on the matter after carrying out an experiment: How good are the new Ancestry/FindMyPast Catholic transcripts?

I know researchers are interested in this issue. I've had emails, and I've seen the question asked repeatedly in social media in the last few weeks. If you want to explore the matter further, you might want to drop in at's Genealogy forum, where there's been an interesting discussion on the topic over the last three weeks.