Thursday, 11 February 2016

North of Ireland Family History Society releases Spring programme of short courses

Scrapbooking techniques can turn your family history
presentation into a momento in its own right
The North of Ireland Family History Society (NIFHS) has released their Spring schedule of family history classes, and once again the line-up offers a good selection of topics to help family historians.

The topics range from traditional research methods, such as using newspapers, through to how to write up your research or present it using scrapbook tecniques. History, military research and heraldry are also covered in the programme, as are more modern techniques such as DNA testing or using Facebook to help with research.
  • Using Newspapers for Family History Research.
  • Writing up Your Family History. 3 sessions.
  • Life in Ulster in the 1830s.
  • Understanding Heraldry. 2 sessions.
  • Researching Military Ancestors. 2 sessions.
  • Tagging Your Family History: a creative craft class. 3 sessions.
  • A Beginners’ Guide to Facebook.
  • You’ve taken the DNA Test, what next? Understanding Family Finder. 3 sessions.
The classes range from single sessions to triple sessions; some are held during the day, some in the evening and some at the weekend, so every researcher should be able to find classes at a time that suits them.

They are open to NIFHS members and non-members alike, although members do get a discount.

When: The programme starts next week, on Tuesday 16 February, with a new class starting most weeks, and runs until April.
Cost: From £5 to £25.
Venue: The NIFHS Library and Research Centre in Newtownabbey. Some classes are run on days when the Library is already open so there will be an opportunity to do further research. (The Library opening hours are currently Tuesdays 2pm-8pm and the 3rd Saturday of each month 10.30am-12.30pm). For day-time classes, there is a café on site.

More details and a booking form are available at