Wednesday, 29 April 2015

May Day Bank Holiday: opening/closing arrangements

Monday 4 May is a public (bank) holiday in both the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, so, with only one notable exception, no state-controlled libraries, archives and other repositories will be open, but please note the following:
  • In the Republic, most city and town libraries are closed not just on the Monday public holiday but also on Saturday 2 May.
  • The Linen Hall Library in Belfast will open normal Saturday hours ie 10am to 3:30pm.
  • While the Reading Room and Genealogy Advisory Service of the National Library of Ireland in Dublin will operate to normal weekend hours (Saturday 9:30am to 12:45pm; Sunday closed), neither will open on Monday. Cafe Joly will be closed on both Saturday 2 May and Monday 4 May.
  • Exhibitions at the National Library of Ireland will be open on Saturday and Sunday as usual (Kildare Street: Saturday 9.30am–4.45pm; Sunday: 1:00pm–4:45pm. National Photographic Archive in Temple Bar: Saturday 10:00am–5.00pm; Sunday: 12:00pm–5.00pm). Bank holiday Monday opening will be from 12pm to 5pm only at both locations.
Forecasts suggest pretty typical damp public holiday weather. Best stay indoors and search for dead ancestors.